WordPress market collapse?

William Jacobs understands the trials and tribulations of running a company. He understands how.
difficult it is to remain focused on the important areas of business as it is so easy to get side tracked as the business grows with so many balls to juggle at the same time. This is the reason he set up Consulting in 2006 to help businesses use his experience of 30 years working in this industry. He sold his successful financial services company to concentrate all of his efforts into his consultancy business.
This has allowed him to devote more time to his passion and equipping business owners and managers with tools for sustainable growth. As the owner and the CEO of the consulting company, William Jacobs understand the complexity of roles, relationships and connections that can impact positive outcomes.
This is why he has small teams working closely with people and transfer skills that they will need to sustain lasting change long once they have left. Following the in it together philosophy, he ensures that his team and their clients agree to clear objectives, a finite timescale and cost even before the project has begun. This approach has resulted in satisfied clients.
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